Nancy Naomi Carlson: Growing into Myself
Nancy Naomi Carlson is a poet, translator, essayist, and editor who has authored eleven titles (seven translated). She has received two Literature Translation Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts as well as grants from the Maryland Council for the Arts, and Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, and was a finalist for the Best Translated Book Award, as well as the CLMP Firecracker Poetry Award. Her co-edited anthology, 101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium (Ashland Poetry Press) and her translation of Kahl Torabully's Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude (Seagull) appeared in 2021. An Infusion of Violets was released by Seagull Books in 2019, and was featured in the New York Book Review (“New & Noteworthy”). Nancy’s work has appeared in such journals as the American Poetry Review, the Georgia Review, the Paris Review, and Poetry. To learn more about her work, visit